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Str. Frumoasa, nr. 6, bl. 918, tr. III, parter

Iaşi, România

Regular & Extended Licenses

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the lastest airpocalypse to  this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, ard authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared to above 2,000 micrograms per cubic metre. This is insame, Li Shuo, Greenpeace’s Beijing-based climate campaigner, tweeted after the sandstorm swept across northern China in the early hours of Thursday.

Sand storm + industrial pollution airpocalypse in the middle of spring, Li added. China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said at least nine Chinese regions – from Xinjiang and Gansu in the west to Hebei and Heilongjiang further east – would be affected by the air pollution between Thursday and Friday. Visibility in Beijing had plummeted to about 1km in the capital and was expected to

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the lastest airpocalypse to  this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, ard authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared to above 2,000 micrograms per cubic metre. This is insame, Li Shuo, Greenpeace’s Beijing-based climate campaigner, tweeted after the sandstorm swept across northern China in the early hours of Thursday.

Sand storm + industrial pollution airpocalypse in the middle of spring, Li added. China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said at least nine Chinese regions – from Xinjiang and Gansu in the west to Hebei and Heilongjiang further east – would be affected by the air pollution between Thursday and Friday. Visibility in Beijing had plummeted to about 1km in the capital and was expected to

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the lastest airpocalypse to  this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, ard authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared to above 2,000 micrograms per cubic metre. This is insame, Li Shuo, Greenpeace’s Beijing-based climate campaigner, tweeted after the sandstorm swept across northern China in the early hours of Thursday.

Sand storm + industrial pollution airpocalypse in the middle of spring, Li added. China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said at least nine Chinese regions – from Xinjiang and Gansu in the west to Hebei and Heilongjiang further east – would be affected by the air pollution between Thursday and Friday. Visibility in Beijing had plummeted to about 1km in the capital and was expected to

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the lastest airpocalypse to  this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, ard authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared to above 2,000 micrograms per cubic metre. This is insame, Li Shuo, Greenpeace’s Beijing-based climate campaigner, tweeted after the sandstorm swept across northern China in the early hours of Thursday.

Sand storm + industrial pollution airpocalypse in the middle of spring, Li added. China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said at least nine Chinese regions – from Xinjiang and Gansu in the west to Hebei and Heilongjiang further east – would be affected by the air pollution between Thursday and Friday. Visibility in Beijing had plummeted to about 1km in the capital and was expected to

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the lastest airpocalypse to  this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, ard authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared to above 2,000 micrograms per cubic metre. This is insame, Li Shuo, Greenpeace’s Beijing-based climate campaigner, tweeted after the sandstorm swept across northern China in the early hours of Thursday.

Sand storm + industrial pollution airpocalypse in the middle of spring, Li added. China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said at least nine Chinese regions – from Xinjiang and Gansu in the west to Hebei and Heilongjiang further east – would be affected by the air pollution between Thursday and Friday. Visibility in Beijing had plummeted to about 1km in the capital and was expected to

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the lastest airpocalypse to  this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, ard authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared to above 2,000 micrograms per cubic metre. This is insame, Li Shuo, Greenpeace’s Beijing-based climate campaigner, tweeted after the sandstorm swept across northern China in the early hours of Thursday.

Sand storm + industrial pollution airpocalypse in the middle of spring, Li added. China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said at least nine Chinese regions – from Xinjiang and Gansu in the west to Hebei and Heilongjiang further east – would be affected by the air pollution between Thursday and Friday. Visibility in Beijing had plummeted to about 1km in the capital and was expected to

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

General Questions

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the latest airpocalypse to this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, and authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the latest airpocalypse to this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, and authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the latest airpocalypse to this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, and authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the latest airpocalypse to this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, and authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the latest airpocalypse to this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, and authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales

A putrid, nicotine-shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the latest airpocalypse to this smog-choked city. Dozens of flights were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second businest, and authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of PM10, a tiny inhalable particle linked to a variety of lung complaints, soared

  • Blazeon Scrambles to Police Content Amid Rapid Growth
  • Patturb and Waymo Duel at Key Hearing Over Driverless Car Technology
  • In French Elections,Alt-Right Messages and Memes Don’t Translate
  • Tesla, Reporting Bigger Loss, Emphasizes Gains in Production and Sales



str. Frumoasa, nr. 6, bl. 918, tr. III, parter

Iaşi, România

0770 82 59 32



09:00 – 18:00



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